Saturday, 24 October 2015

Ultimate Android tricks

Trick 1: Boost Your Google Chrome Browser

1.  Open Chrome Browser on your Smartphone and type chrome://flags  in address bar.
Landing page will look like below image.

2.  Scroll down the list to find maximum tiles option

3. Change the value from default to 512 and Restart Chrome browser.
Done!! Now you will experience a super fast chrome browser. Enjoy Surfing

Trick 2: Unlock Password/Pattern Protected Apps on Smartphone without Password/Pattern
Click on the app which is locked by your friend. Above the Pattern/Password you will find the name of the App Locker. Remember it.
Now Go to settings>Application Manager.
Click on Running processes Tab.
Find the name of App Locker in the list.
Click on the App name and on the next page tap on  "Force Stop".  This Will kill the App Locker
Voila!! You are free to open and use any application which was protected without knowing the password.
Trick 3: Speed Up your Android Smartphone (For Low-End Android Smartphone Users)
1    Go to Settings and find ‘Developer Option’. If it is not in the list do following thing.
2.       Go to Settings>About Phone and Scroll down to ‘Build Number’.
3.       Tap on ‘Build Number’ For about  7-10 times to activate developer mode.
4.       Click back and you will find ‘Developer Option’ on the list.
5.       Click on ‘Developer Mode’ and Scroll Down to Animation and Transition Duration Scale.
6.        Change the Value From 1x to 0.5x or No Animation(Preferred).
7.       Done!!  Your phone will become faster.

Trick 4:  Increase your Smartphone's volume

1. Open your phone’s dialer and type *#*#3646633#*#*
2. Now you will enter into the Engineer Mode.
3. Next step is to click on audio and you will see maximum volume.
4. Enter a value between the ranges mentioned.(Choose a suitable value)
5. Done!! You have successfully increased your Smartphone’s volume.

Trick 5: Shut Down Your Friends Mobile (Only For Micromax Mobile Users)
Create a new blank message on your phone.
On the recipient's column add your friend’s mobile number.
Now Type “ = “ (Just an equal to symbol) and hit on send.
Sit back and enjoy watching your friend’s Smartphone switching off as soon as SMS arrives.

Hope you'd like it..!
Questions in comments :-)
Stay tuned more coming soon..

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