Monday, 13 April 2015

OnePlus One Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S Update: 75% Chance Of OTA Rollout Today, Possibility Of Delay To Later In The Week

OnePlus and CyanogenMod continue to struggle with getting the Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S update out to the OnePlus One. After hope was raised that CM12S would rollout OTA following OnePlus putting up OxygenOS, Carl Pei, Founder of OnePlus has clarified the issue on Twitter:
Pei says that there is a 75% chance that the OnePlus One Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S update will rollout OTA, a 15% chance of it coming Tuesday and a 10% chance of it coming Wednesday. At the very least it sounds like we can be relatively sure we will get the OTA rollout this week. OnePlus One hasn't been great about meeting its release dates, so it may just be best for them to not give them out at all. 
Pei’s tweet about the OnePlus One Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S update is more encouraging than the one that came from the CEO of Cyanogen   Kirt McMaster, who told people tweeting about the delay of the CM12S OTA rollout, “guys... calm the f down... it's coming soon... when ready!”.
Cyanogen hasn’t been the best partner to OnePlus and this whole delay of the CM12S update is just another example of that. With OxygenOS now up and running and continued delays with the CM12S update, it is possible that we may see OnePlus and Cyanogen part ways soon. Once OnePlus gets OxygenOS up as a stable and functional ROM, it can start to rollout OTA updates itself in place of CM12S. That may still require users to flash the ROM, but it is a better option than continuing to be beholden to Cyangoen.

In any case, we will keep you posted as soon as we get word of the OnePlus One Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S OTA rollout beginning. Keep your fingers crossed for it coming this week. 

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