Tuesday, 21 April 2015

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Google has announced that it has begun shutting down YouTube app support for older Google TV devices as of yesterday, which will complete by the end of the month. Specifically, devices running Google TV versions 1 or 2, as well as some older smart TVs, will be affected.
Select devices manufactured in 2012 and earlier, including Sony TVs & Blu-ray Discs, Panasonic TVs & Blu-ray Discs, older iOS devices, and devices running older versions of Google TV will all be affected by the change. However, you can probably still access YouTube through your TV’s web browser, as long as it supports HTML5. If you’re affected by the change, a notification, like the one above, will pop up when you next launch the app.
As we upgrade the YouTube Data API to bring more features, we’ll begin shutting down the old version on April 20, 2015. This will result in the current YouTube app not working on certain device models from 2012 and older.
The drop in support comes as Google is updating its YouTube API, which will bring new features to the platform. Users with more modern Google TV devices and SmartTVs produced after 2013 will be able to update to a new version of the app. Newer Android TV devices are also unaffected by the change.

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