Sunday, 5 April 2015

Amazon Prime Instant Video adds Android tablet support

amazon prime instant video (1)
Back in September Amazon finally gave Android users a way to access Amazon Prime Video content, after long holding out and keeping the functionality exclusive to Kindle Fire tablets, the Fire Phone, and various media streamers and smart TVs. Of course, they sure didn’t make things easy.
To play content, you needed to have the Amazon app, which would let you select video content. However, you also needed the Prime Instant Video app to actually play it back, which was available only through the Amazon AppStore. What’s worse than requiring you to install three different Amazon apps in order to simply watch your Prime Instant Video content? Amazon left tablets out of the fun.
Thankfully, Amazon has now released an update to the Prime Instant Video app that adds Android tablet support. With the update, you’ll be able to browse videos on through your favorite mobile web browser. Once you tap “Watch Now”, the Prime Instant Video app will then load up the movie or show of your choice. Still not exactly the most straightforward process, but better than nothing.
To grab the Prime Instant Video app, you’ll need to head on over to the Amazon AppStore.

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